Tuesday, May 24

Trams, absinthe, and such

Danielle and I set out for our 4 day excursion to BudaPest and Prague or I should say Praha (it sounds so much cooler). Let me start off by saying this trip included alot of running: to buses, trains, and away from bars.

First after I arrived in Metz and headed to Danielles dorm, we found ourselves sprinting to the bus stop so we could make it to the train station. Now, sprinting becomes quite difficult when you are wearing a belt that doesn't fit anymore, so my pants were falling and I was looking foolish. Since, we made it to the train station on time we decided to grab a bite to eat since our train ride was equivalent to about 9 hours. That Durum Kebab and fries were... Lip smacking, mouth watering, roll your eyes into the back of your head good! (that might also be because I was starving) The train ride to Frankfurt was decent and we got in sometime that night. We spotted a McDonalds and had to do the fries and McFlurry test. Now, I had no idea McDonalds was on this level in the world; their employees had McDonalds jeans, WHAT!?!? we were dying laughing and spent about an hour trying to get a picture and be discreet. This part is important because while we were in McDoe, we didn't know that our train to Prague was leaving from another station in Frankfurt... Not good! We walked out of McDonalds and looked at the timetable all nonchalant, only to discover our train number was not present(panic mode). We go to the desk with literally less than 15 minutes to get to the other station and they say we have to take this other train 1 stop and it takes about 10 mins...
If there was ever a time I wanted a train to leave early, it was then. We were on the train devising plans, "you look right I LOOK left and then we RUN!"
We made it to our train and were finally on our way to Prague. After walking up and down the train for 15 minutes trying to figure out where our seats were, we were greeted by what is always cracking in Prague... porn magazines at our disposal on the train. Danielle decided since she had never read one to throw on her gloves considering she didnt know who had them before and started flipping through the magazine. Now funniest shit ever is watching a girl flip through a porno because she was judging fingernails, outfits, and poses WTH... lol. There was only one thing that interest a man when looking at that and I can guarantee that it isnt fingernails. So basically the rest of the train ride consisted of falling in and out of sleep, I actually finished the book I was reading called "I Will Never Be French"... which was really good. Once we got to Praha... we caught the tram to our hostel, which was banging, and then we hit the streets. Our day consisted of finding Waldo and giant easter eggs. The views were beyond beautiful throughout the entire city. We decided to go on the Pub Crawl and I was excited because that meant that I could finally try absinthe. Since we got there late we had to catch up to the group, so that included like 9 shots (at least 4 of absinthe) in less than 20 mins. I know yall thinking that I should have been gone... but on the contrary we were sober as hell due to the consumption of a street vendors hot dog and fires we had right before. It literally soaked up everything. The pubcrawl was really cool because it was full of Americans and our tour guide was even from Oregon (which was a state I still think doesnt exist). It ended in a club that was like 5 floors, that played different music. The one floor we were interested in was titled "Black Music"... I swear they really don't care about the whole offensive thing over here. Turned out the Black floor was more like B96 and less WGCI... it probably would have been more enjoyable if the 9 shots (plus the 3 other free ones we got at the other pubs) had kicked in.

The highlight of Praha had to be this wall that Danielle was so keen on finding. (Btw Danielle is probably the best trip planner I know, because I just end up in a city and google a few things and go with the flow... NOT HER, she be reading random blogs and articles... great travel buddy!) When I say it was about a 50 foot long wall full of graffiti that people just sign and write messages. Definitely one of the most beautiful things I have seen and it would describe why our 15 minute visit turned into a 1.5 hour photoshoot. But, it was definitely time well spent!

Now considering I'm tired of typing all of this... Budapest is about to be straight to the point...
-Loved the mix of nature into their city... It's like they built themselves into a mountain
-Went to a natural springs bath and I found it extra cool that I ended up with Room 15... we tried the hottest of the waters (although Dani couldnt hang) and the coldest one which neither of us could deal with... I think my toe is still feeling the effects
-Discovered McDonalds has the best advertisement because I was hungry and wanted to know what time it was and here they come with a clock giving the time and pointing me in the direction of their nearest restaurant
-There was this dude who played the glasses filled with water and HE WAS a BEAST... we were standing there for like 10 mins and was thinking he probably isn't even that good... turned out he deserved an Oscar, Emmy or something for that performance
-We had a quest to find Mexican food and this place we ended up finding had it down to a science. Those quesadillas and frozen margaritas hit the SPOT
-Danielle ghetto mapping that was done by pinpointing locations on the map using a McDonalds fry and their barbecue sauce (I definitely have pics of this on deck)
-Last but not least was creating a bar tab and after realizing that they didn't except credit card... dipping like we were trying out for the Olympic track team... Then we were beyond petrified considering we were probably the only black people (forreal) in Budapest and there did happen to be a police car chilling outside of our hostel. BUT we made it home safely

Once I made it back to France it was now my 2 week Spring break and it started off well with me finally falling in love with Cergy!

1 comment:

Mlle Danielle said...

AWWW! Memories! :)

LMAO of course. And I can't wait for the London and after updates!

I keep telling myself I'm gonna finish my 125 Days, but uhhh.........about that.

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