Tuesday, January 18

ALOT of Walking

I found this quite hilarious while in the airport
My very first picture of La Tour Eiffel
Obelisk de Luxor
Champs Elysee--Arc De Triomphe

So I landed in Paris and it, by far, was the best thing I could've expected. The airport was pretty amazing however getting from the airport to where I was staying was not. The taxi ride was 50 Euros and anybody who knows me knows that I am cheap especially when it comes to stuff like this so I had to make a note to myself... NEVER TAKE A TAXI IN PARIS (unless it's after a late night and you are incoherent). So when I finally arrived at my hostel (ALOHA Hostel) I had to make sure I skyped some of my people so that they knew I was safe. I stored away my bags and hit the streets and when I say I hit the streets, I really did. I walked over 10 miles and actually within one day I hit up most of the major monuments. I walked to Eiffel Tower,which I must say is definitely one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen especially at night. I found it cool that people were just there chilling around 21:00. I stood on the bridge and probably just stared at it for 20 minutes just relishing its beauty. After the Eiffel I came back to the Hostel to eat some food. Then I set out again and walked to Le Pompidou, to the Louvre, then the Champs Elysee (Arc de Triomphe et Obelisk de Luxor) and back to the hostel! My walking totaled well over 6 hours all- together because you definitely have to include the mishaps for turning down the wrong streets because unlike the States, 98% (even though I doubt I have covered this much) of Paris streets are not in a straight path. But for me I just looked at it as an adventure, so every wrong street I turned down (and there were many) was just a new discovery! When I finally fell asleep it was about 4AM and I woke up at 11 to start my second day in Paris, which for me has encompassed reading my book and surfing the web for different stores because my legs told me they have to recuperate! I guess this was a good thing because it allows me to update you all on how everything is going!


Unknown said...

I text you on Sunday, but i guess you had left by then. Basically I was telling you how to get into the city from the airport for around 10-12 euros... Oh well....

I did the same thing when I got to VLC, the walking around and getting lost in the narrowy-winding streets. :)

Unknown said...

I was in Paris the last week of July, I stared at the tower for about an hour. But I didn't do it from the bridge, I did it from the grass area. It was the perfect end to my trip. I see for you it was the perfect start to your trip.

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