Tuesday, February 15

Journey to America: Part 1- Brussels

So this weekend had to mark one of the greatest one’s of my life! Among the greatness was my journey to Brussels, Belgium and so the story begins… It  starts with being in French Class the day before and my teacher asking all of us what our plans were for our 2 week break! When it got to me, I said I was going to Brussels, Germany and Metz.  Then the second part of the question came which was when was our departure? My answer: “A demain!” which might not have been a good one since I was scheduled to attend French on Friday as well, but the ticket was bought and I was ready! So the next day I caught my train to meet Danielle in Brussels, and that’s where we ran into our first little problem… In all of trip planning we never discussed exactly where we were going to meet considering I had no phone and she got there 30 minutes before me. Turns out, we ended up at different stations and I had to pay 10 Euro to use wifi and call her and my mom to let them know where I was. Once there we made our way to our hostel, got settled, and set out on our journey of shopping for dress pants for me and gown for Danielle in preparation for the Krimson and Kream Ball the next evening. We caught the metro , and I must say the CTA has nothing on the style of Brussel trains: I’m talking leather holding sraps and seats, with computer screens displaying your next stop on the train! We were on our way to completing the list for Brussels Danielle made including:
1. Finding Ball attire :I found two bowties in my first store in Brussels, which seemed impossible to find in Paris, believe it or not! With the decline in our available time for shopping because Europeans don’t like to work at ALL: They open at 10, close at 7 and have a two hour lunch, WTF! But, I found some gray pants in Celio after running around with Danielle who took over 2 hours to find her knee length dress.

2. Having a waffle: The waffle was the most amazing thing I have ever tasted, EVER as far as dessert! The warm waffle with the glazed sugar was the perfect combination, making it gone in a matter of minutes… All I was missing was a glass of milk.

3. Belgium Chocolate : As far as chocolate, Belgium has every kind you could ever imagine for CHEAP and I discovered that my favorite is the kind with alcohol! I bought a box with amaretto inside and a box with Champagne inside, after eating about half of the free samples #lbs

4. Belgium Fries: I had some of these during my first meal in Brussels and they were really good. I knew that they understood fries when the man put ketchup in the bottom of the container, put the fries in, then put ketchup on top! He understand that the ketchup has to be evenly distributed and I hope one day America can learn from this excellent quality of Brussels!

5. Visiting the Mannekan : Funniest thing ever because Danielle went all over Brussels searching for this… All the stores had huge statues of it, in different outfits and all… and when we finally see it, Danielle says, “I didn’t think he was that small,” and we looked at eachother and started rolling!

6. Brussels Beer: After seeing Mannekan, we stopped in the nearest bar and tried the beer! We had their Combi 1, which included 6 different beers, 4 of which I liked!

7.Visiting the Royal Palace. : This is where I had to take the crazy photos!

Let’s just say Brussels became one of my favorite places on earth! The city was beyond beautiful and for the first time in my life I was shopping in a place where there were more stores catered to me then women…. definitely whats up!

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